Debs Diagnostics
Developing Empowering Business Solutions
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Public Servants, or Servants of the Public?
Monday, 13 September 2010
IQ versus EQ...or should we just consider VQ?
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Dynamics of Branding - A New Approach
- If a company has a workforce made up of long term employees, people that are committed and dedicated to the company, and its products and services, the customers will subconsciencly feel an attachment to these employees. This is true especially when they see and work with the same people over and over again, closely and over many years, thus brand awareness, and brand reliability, have been created by the employee;
- If companies with long term employees, who show genuine care for their customers and provide not only service, but a friendly, reliable and trustworthy approach, then the "brand recall", is created by the employee.
We've seen in many management books that labour turnover is costly, but what about the cost or damage to the "brand"?
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Silence of the Spams
We hated it when our parents would tell their friends something about us, or when relatives where updated on what we did and were doing, or going to do...neighbours would stop us in the street and would ask us how "it" went, and before you know it ...the grapevine came back to slap us in the face and choke us up a bit!
We hated the phone, the backyard fence and people coming over, to get that last bit of gossip for the day!
But thanks to technology and developments in communication, and the ease of access to these, we volunteer this information freely and without second thoughts.
The boss asks us how did "it" go, and we stop, look around, laugh with a smirk on our face and say "ah, so you saw it on my wall aye?".
But somehow, this free volunteering of information, "sound" advice to friends or relatives, business information to colleagues or competitors, has to be reviewed by those dishing it out, to ensure that they won't be "dishing it in".
The telephone limited our communication to the person we were talking to, or to those who dared to eavesdrop. These days, the receiver of our communication is not just one, but hundreds of the people we know, multiplied by hundreds and hundreds of the friends of friends of friends of friends, and some enemies!!
Before you know it, we are "coincidently" getting unsolicited messages and advertising about some item that we can buy or send money for, to improve our lives for the next decade in this mixed-up millennium.
Businesses can't afford to have their employees discussing company issues with friends whilst fertilising crops. No one needs to know the boss is a ratbag, chances are everyone has already guessed that for themselves, no one needs to know whether your company's products are not worth buying.... no one needs to know you will be looking for another job during summer break..... no one needs to see you tagged in a photo with a person you don't want your boss, partner, or spouse to know you know of.... etc. etc....
Before liable and slander suits could start flowing, companies, employees and everyone of a communicable age, should consider silencing the spams, and getting back to the traditional methods of communication, where people got together and exchanged ideas and thoughts in privacy....
.... and not in front of a 15inch portal to the world.
Friday, 30 July 2010
You are only as good as the company you keep.....
I liken today’s economy, and what is currently happening with many companies, to an old tree that, after many years of care and bountiful fruit production, has started to wither and become weak.
When first planted, it is nurtured and provided with the care, protection and the sustenance it needs to grow and yield fruit.
Whilst the tree produces fruit, the investment is considered worthwhile. Over the years, it becomes a little neglected and it doesn't receive as much care or attention as in the past, as it is taken for granted that it will continue to produce and survive on its own with minimal attention.
However, its endurance also depends on many other external conditions, which either help it to flourish and grow, or threaten its existence.
Companies, like trees, need to be constantly nurtured. Once set up, they need to constantly grow and develop, and together with the management and the workforce, supported and cultivated so that they can withstand the forces of external threats that could cause its demise.
The current economic environment is not a healthy one and business owners and their employees will need to take some time-out to consider how they could put a bit more love and care into it, by sacrificing profits and affluence at the expense of investment and spending.
Such investment includes time and financial outlays in training the workforce, advertising and research and development. In a period of economic turmoil, spending is the only solution to keep what one has managed to acquire.
Natural disturbances and human intervention shaped the forest of today. Both will shape the forest of tomorrow....
... You are only as good as the Company you keep!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Business Disorganisation, how to avoid it!
However those same entrepreneurs who took businesses into the 20th century are also, in part, responsible for the deterioration of these philosophies in the 21st century.
Building a successful business from scratch is a huge accomplishment, especially if the business owner had very little education or no formal qualifications. Experience, determination and perseverance, as well as hope of a better future for the family and the economy were probably more of a driving force, than hanging up a qualification on an office wall.
Unfortunately, the factors that contributed to first generation business owners’ success are no longer applicable in today’s business environment.
Other factors, amongst others, that need to be considered are:
- The current economic situation and other macroeconomic factors
- Today, a strong reliance on family, friends, relatives, government officials, and other associates is mostly considered as nepotism and bribery
- Children entering the business and starting immediately in management and/or authoritative positions, not from the bottom up, causes rifts with qualified, non-family member, employees
- Family feuding amongst siblings who take over from original owners when they retire, divorce or pass on, could disagree on how and who should run departments or divisions
- Second and Third Generation relatives entering the business, bringing with them their own ideas and philosophies as to how the grandparent should have ran the business, and how Uncle A or Auntie B should have not listened to Auntie A and Uncle C and Brother A should not have said this or that with Cousin B and C!
For businesses to continue to be successful, they have to be run by fully trained and qualified personnel, who are employed on the basis of doing the job the right way, rather than filling posts with people who oblige the owners to hire them, through some type of “hold” that they have.
Therefore, it is wise to consider that a combination of qualifications, know-how and a zest for purpose and passion for reaching goals will ensure continued growth and development rather than disorganisation.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Is the Customer "Always Right"?
- The service is good;
- The Sales people are courteous and knowledgable;
- The products are of good quality;
- The environment is welcoming and comfortable;
- The after sales service is even better than the pre-sale transaction?
If a business doesn't provide any of the above, amongst other factors, then customers are not satisfied and complaints may arise.
"The Customer is Always Right", shouldn't necessarily apply if a business takes due care in ensuring that it provides good quality products and services, an excellent level of customer care, speedy and reliable service and after sales attention.
Therefore, all businesses should aim to limit their customer complaints to ZERO by implementing some form of quality managment.
If a business aims for this "semi" Total Quality Management model, then the only reason a customer would need to complain, would be to satisfy some other need that the customer has, which is not related to the buyer-seller relationship.
Whilst all sales people can be trained to deal with customer complaints concerning the goods and services of the business, they cannot be trained to deal with complaints arising from some other motivator or trigger that is instilled in the mind of the customer that is not related to the transaction.
They just need to ensure that they can tell the difference between the two!