I liken today’s economy, and what is currently happening with many companies, to an old tree that, after many years of care and bountiful fruit production, has started to wither and become weak.
When first planted, it is nurtured and provided with the care, protection and the sustenance it needs to grow and yield fruit.
Whilst the tree produces fruit, the investment is considered worthwhile. Over the years, it becomes a little neglected and it doesn't receive as much care or attention as in the past, as it is taken for granted that it will continue to produce and survive on its own with minimal attention.
However, its endurance also depends on many other external conditions, which either help it to flourish and grow, or threaten its existence.
Companies, like trees, need to be constantly nurtured. Once set up, they need to constantly grow and develop, and together with the management and the workforce, supported and cultivated so that they can withstand the forces of external threats that could cause its demise.
The current economic environment is not a healthy one and business owners and their employees will need to take some time-out to consider how they could put a bit more love and care into it, by sacrificing profits and affluence at the expense of investment and spending.
Such investment includes time and financial outlays in training the workforce, advertising and research and development. In a period of economic turmoil, spending is the only solution to keep what one has managed to acquire.
Natural disturbances and human intervention shaped the forest of today. Both will shape the forest of tomorrow....
... You are only as good as the Company you keep!
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